Friday 20 January 2012

No Gratitude No Gladdatude!

I smiled when I saw this quote recently - "No Gratitude No Gladdatude".  Being thankful paves the way for positive mind health like nothing else.  It is hard to be down and out if you are always seeking something to be glad about.  I sincerely know that no matter what you are going through, there is ALWAYS SOMETHING to be grateful for.  Being consciously thankful is a successful treatment for the 'blues', regardless if a clinical condition or simply feeling out of sorts.  No matter your state of circumstance we all can rattle of many things that we are able to be grateful for.  The more things you can think of to be grateful for, the less room in your mind for negative thoughts.  What you may not realise is that ill feeling is just that - ill and it is very possible to think ourselves sick and equally plausible to thank ourselves well.  I read something interesting when I was thinking of what to share with you and it discussed this point that "Grateful people tend to be more optimistic, a characteristic that researchers say boosts the immune system... first-year law students under stress found that, by midterm, students characterised as optimistic (based on survey responses) maintained higher numbers of blood cells that protect the immune system, compared with their more pessimistic classmates." 

What I teach people to is to put pen to paper (or finger to electronic device!) and write a list called "glad to be grateful".  Recording your list this way, moves the content into the forefront of your mind.  When we actively write/type we are taking a conscious step toward instigating change.  So create a word log in whichever way looks attractive to you, with your title "glad to be grateful" in a circle in the middle.  I use radiating lines and write everything that is possible to be thankful for, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant it may seem.  There is no right or wrong answers.  Throughout the day look at your chart and read through it.  Keep adding more and more “glad” content to it.   Reflecting on your “glad to be grateful” list at regular intervals throughout the day leaves little room for low mood because your too busy acknowledging the good things in your life.  Think yourself into a better state of mind with "Gladdatude!"

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